The local population also referred to the invaders as dark and tall. skin as pale as Chinese takeout cartons, and a look of splendid uncaring "Black Irish" sometimes refers to Black people who are also citizens of Ireland, but it is also a colloquial term that refers to caucasian people of Irish ancestry who have black hairtheir eyelashes and body hair may also be noticeably black as well. I ran into a lady once who said it makes her so mad to hear the term "Irish American". A good example is Queen Elizabeth II. Americans.". I had always thought Siouxsie Sioux (born Susan Janet Ballion) of the punk band Siouxsie and the Banshees was Irish but, according to her Wikipedia bio, she is Belgian Walloon and English. He has brown hair and green eyes. This is because of the widespread perception that BlackIrish was not initially a part of the Irish people. camera as much as it captures them. However, it is widely disputed whether the Tuatha were real Celtics and whether the Fir Bolg were the Cro-Magnon people. Way," with Bing Crosby; "The Luck of the Irish," with Tyrone Power; "Top Facial Width People with bigger cheekbones and wider faces (think Sylvester Stallone or Sarah Palin) generally have higher levels of testosterone, and thus are supposedly more likely to be. The low brachycephalic index, and the relative fineness of the facial features indicate a tendency in a Nordic direction. Read my question and if you have an answer post it. Running "The you talk with them they seem to be coming toward you without ever The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. if you look at shows about the subject eg, black donnellys, its backs this up, not sure why though. This is just a bunch of opinions going back and forth. You get the Black Irish might be a bad thing to some people, but I haven't met a single one who wasn't incredibly good looking. getting any closer. ummm, a "friend" of mine is black irish. . I'm just speaking from Boston POV! James D. I have always been told that I was Black Irish, and I just looked it up today to see what it meant. In terms of appearance, there is not much difference between people from South and North Wales. I was born with blonde/brownish color hair, with blonde eye brows. As for "black irish" meaning some mixture of different ethnicities, that's the best and most non-offensive way to look at the term. Theobald Mathew in the New York Tribune, on I have heard the term "black Irish" my entire life. The black population was largely genetically separate from populations that became white (Europeans). What Do Irish People Look Like? Anyway all of my cousins have dark brown eyes, dark hair, pale skin tone, and short. ski-masked men with machine guns, their faces wracked with the The rest of my family has red and blonde hair and blue eyes so I guess me and my dad are the only black Irish in the family. God bless every one of you. She always claimed there was a Spanish connection. But all my brothers and me took after him and my dad's sisters. One sister has olive skin and green eyes. More recently, they have found that the Irish and British are more related to Belgians, Dutch and Northern French (Brittany). They intermarried with other tribes in Ireland and the results were blue and green-eyed people with black hair and fair skin. They turned light later. says of Irish Americans: "We don't necessarily call them Irish.". My dad's family is originally from northern Ireland, and he has the typical red hair, freckles, and pale skin. This is the romance, and it goes on and on, even though, as Yeats No people look completely the same. My mDNA has many Irish and Scottish hits, but also some Spanish, North African, and even some in present day Syria. I recently got my dna analyzed through Ancestry. Also, I was told that we were travelers and all I know is I have black hair and green eyes and I love moving around. The whole pale thing with red hair is nothing more than myth! Celtic just means non-Greek. For the most part, the Irish ethnicity is . Some historiansbelievethat these Spaniards gave rise to the BlackIrish offspring. Also research the link between the Moors and Spain. the scoundrel father. Ireland is like America: a melting pot of several nationalities mixing with the current population to create new genetics, new language and new culture. jowls, layer on layer, chin on chin, eye bags on eye bags, sometimes They are huge, like barns shingled with 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Racism from the English focused a bit on this, even though many Englishmen have the same features (dark hair, brown eyes). Me and my brothers were all told we where black irish by our father and grandfather. It is not "black Irish" but Irish in general. What are Irish facial features? It is also possible that within the various Irish cultures that became established in America that there was a pecking order, a class system that saw some of their countrymen labeled as "black.". We fight against the appropriation of these features, but how frequently do we tear down our own kind for having . are full of tweed-capped schemers with crooked grins, and wisdom R they really known for insanity? Data concerning differences in some facial proportions between the average African-American woman and the average North American white woman are shown below. Smiling mouths and mournful Some people believe that the word "black," in this case, refers to the "dark" intentions of groups of people who invaded Ireland, so their descendants might be referred to as Black Irish. Pink, round, breathless faces. He sent the Sons of Mil to conquer England but their fleet was wrecked in a great sea storm. During periods of increased European immigration to the United States, European-descended people found new ways to distinguish ethnic European groups and sub-groups from one another. He had curly black hair, clear, bright blue eyes. The color of your hair does not make for a more or less of a person. The first brits and celts were the basques as they settled the british isles and ireland. ones seem to have a wisdom -- they've seen the worst the world can dish My grandmother's side is irish. . The practice of Cherokees' identifying as Black Dutch or Black Irish originated during and after the 1830s Indian Removal era. There were Black Kings of Ireland. Most people in Europe even Germans have 2 percent DNA that is black. Europeans generally most closely resemble their neighbours, so the Irish are closest to the people in western Britain, and quite close to the English, while the eastern and southern English are quite close to the continental peoples to the east. The Black Irish sometimes have quick eyes like the redhead goddesses, suggesting that they're thinking a little faster than you're talking. New culture, new names. The person who they most relate me to looking like is Alicia Keys' skin color, but with green/hazel eyes, and blonde/brownish hair. The Protestants were the Wasps ( White Anglo Saxon Protestants). My family is from East Clare-and we've always believed the term "Black Irish" was 100 percent based upon the descendants of the defeated Spanish Armada of 1588 which unloaded hundreds of sailors along the west coast near Galway. My cousin, who is currently an Irish citizen, married a girl from Brazil and their children are citizens of Ireland. Additionally, some myths point out theIrish travellersseparated from the settled community 2000 years ago. Also, his wife, my paternal grandmother came from a family of three siblings - one red haired and freckled like me (like my grandmother), one blond haired, blue eyed with pale skin who looked Scandanavian and one who was dark haired, with dark eyes and skin. The romans also never made it on to the island of Ireland because the Irish were considered to be too rough and wild to be civilized and were considered to not be worth the effort it would take the romans to civilise them. The term "Black Irish" has been in circulation among Irish emigrants and their descendants for centuries. Also, In the 1600s the Irish were the main slaves in Montserrat, 70 percent of the population. on at Christmas. The name Doyle is in Irish "O'Dubhghaill" which literally means "dark foreigner" which reveals their heritage as an invading force with dark intentions. The term has nothing at all got to do with dark hair nor eyes, The term here in ireland is in connection with the irish slave trade, and the signs saying, No irish, no blacks, no dogs. We are known as the blacks of europe, purely on racist terms. My dad was dark, as dark brown wood year round. I am Irish. My grandmother explained that we have our great great grandmother to thank as she was an irish gypsy and they all carried these features. From the perspective of someone living in Ireland, I would say the 'black' denotes wicked as in a Catholic V Protestant thing. People migrated from Spain, North Africa, Italy and the Near East to the British Isles when the glaciers receded. My mother is black irish - dark hair, pale skin, and dark eyes that can change to a green/grey color with mood also. all critics -- who knows how many people chased Sinn Fein leader Gerry a 1954 Buick Roadmaster. . Belgium. It is possible that the arrival of large numbers of Irish after the famine into America, Canada, Australia, and beyond resulted in their being labeled as "black" in that they escaped from this new kind of black death. My cousin actually went to Ireland and traced our genealogy. Black irish, one of the biggest crap expressions ever invented, basically made up by irish Americans who expect all Irish people to have red hair and freckles. The Irish tip is one of the most wanted, even in L.A." The characteristically "Irish". The Apostles came to Ireland around 31AD, and as history goes, it was St Patrick who taught the heathen of Ireland Christianity, but again another insult to the Irish and their long, honored and amazing history that would clear up who the native Americans are, and all the lost ten tribes. The native Irish were somewhere in between -- curly dark hair, blue or brown eyes and relatively short. Perhaps the best description comes from the popular historian, Carl Wittke: "The so-called Irish temperament is a mixture of flaming ego, hot temper, stubbornness, great personal charm and warmth, and a wit that shines through adversity. Facial features are defined by associated groups of points on the face, rather like the hills and valleys on a 3-dimensional map. (People like myself, who are of British heritage, obviously have dark hair, but that's not the point.) My father, whose parents are both Irish, is black Irish with dark hair, eyes and olive skin. that the Irish are "restless yet indolent, shrewd and indiscreet, Her father was dark as was her mother, both american born but Irish last names. imaginary Irishman of romance. How about the Roman occupation of the british isles? Do I have characteristics that favor the indian side or irish and with my descriptions, are we black irish? Adams around town this week just to see what kind of an Irish face he'd I certainly do not mean to offend anyone, but the term "black irish" has nothing to do with dark hair. There is an even bleaker romance of the Irish Republican Army too, i am 100 percent irish (live in derry) but have asian shaped eyes, dark brown color and dark skin, my hair is dark brown. Brooklyn 1953, go figure! Also, Spaniards are white, as are the French, the Italians, the Portuguese etc. What is their Irishness? My family is full Irish on both sides with a small amount of French on my mother's side. Adams has mastered the look of lightly bearded, thick-spectacled She has seven children. So, there seems to be a Southern, Moorish, vector which populated modern Ireland in the last half millennia. This little known plugin reveals the answer. Some Germans have hair like blacks. Both my mothers family and my fathers family came to the U.S. after "the troubles. My grandmother said it wasn't safe to be Catholic in Ireland anymore, after the kidnapping, bombs and shootings going on in Ireland at the time. My grandmother tells us that there is a touch of wild in the Black Irish. Small world, isn't it? They are a mix of parents from two different countries. So many Irish faces: "The common classes are strongly marked with i just want to say that i have black irish on my dad's side and my moms side is cherokee indian. I'm half British, a quarter Irish and a predominant 10 percent Iberian as opposed to Italian or Greek. Irish ancestry in the 1990 census. History has become hijacked by political bandits with a motive. If I were in your shoes, I'd make a shirt that says "Proud Black Man/Woman of Irish Heritage", that is, if you want to represent what you stand for. blight, when a million of 8 million people died while the British Just wanted to say that Amy Pollick #71 is so right! So much for a superior legacy when you got most of your knowledge from other people, but claim it to be yours. My family is also Black Irish, and we're from Counties Limerick and Tipperary in Ireland, and never moved to Scotland, that I know of. I suppose every country or culture has that element, but those Irish, boy, watch out. for big-town sophistication in a raccoon coat and a button-down shirt Anyone have any ideas?. You are citing sources from much later. The position of a point on a facial image of one member of an identical twin pair should be very similar to the position of the corresponding point on the image of the other twin. ", Anne Marie Schmidt, a Washington restaurant manager from Dublin, Updated in 2022. That said, imagine a group that broke off millennia ago from a larger group of Semitic languages to encounter and colonize the lands to the north and west. In the United States, for example, the people identified as African Americans do not share a common set of physical characteristics. But the brogue-and-shillelagh romance has nothing to do with the I've brown hair and brown eyes myself and find it hilarious that red heads or whatever would discriminate against me hahaha. Indo-Europeans have dark hair and the ability to produce varying amounts of melanin in their skin. I think black-irish should only be used for the unusual traits of very light skin and Blue/green eyes with a very fair completion. My Maternal mDNA family line is almost pure Irish/Scot. (1856). I'm not the politically correct type, but most of the crap that comes with the term "black" really doesn't mean black irish are more musical than any other irishman. I'm glad a guy in a similar topic showed me this post. You don't say we'll I have white skin so I must be European, or I have tan skin and black hair so I must be from Mexico or Spain. The Spanish ships floundered and some did indeed come ashore and were saved, but these aren't the real Dark or Black Irish, although they would have looked much like them. May 31, 2016. Then you couldn't have crawled York. Irish in the room with their shamrock pins, members of the Ancient Order The basques (atlanteans/hebrews of the bible) are the original europeans (first white people around)and settled western europe. A quick review of Irish history reveals that the island was subject to a number of influxes of foreign people. Why do They Say That the Irish Saved Civilization? Irish and Basque people carry nearly identical DNA features compared to that of the rest of the world and are known to be one of the most racially pure DNA markers in the world i.e no other mix of DNA has been introduced. Although it often has been used as an insult, many people proudly describe themselves or their ancestors as Black Irish. I read an entire book on schizophrenia and it is a phenomenon that has never been solved. During theCromwellianconquest of Ireland (1643-53) more than 160,000 Irish Catholics were exiled to the British territories of West Indies with 10,000 of them finding a home on the Island of Montserrat to work as servants alongside the Africans. . Therefore, of the groups inhabiting northwest Europe, while the blonds were the result of extended exposure to the higher latitudes of Europe over a period of time, the redheads appeared suddenly (due to mutation) within dark haired, original populations of CroMagnon Europe. Map of Ireland: big chin, thin upper lip, nose of topographical My Mother was tall, dark skinned, with almost black hair, very high cheek bones, and when tanned, she was very dark skinned. Germanic Americans . lol. Irish setters and Persian cats also bear their coloring in the modern era. You look at pictures of the Irish during the Great Famine's potato Two weeks ago, I had my eyes checked and got new glasses. The anomaly that makes it particularly different is that it appears in later life, whereas the normal onset of schizophrenia, if anyone is at all familiar will know, is usually between 18-21 years old. All that I do know from my mother's side are that my great grandmother was either half or full indian on my grandpa's side. from Brooks Brothers. We are black Irish. Most Spanish, Greek and southern Italians still retain their Indian roots. Table of Contents Are hazel eyes Irish? The rest of my brothers have light hair, like blonds, chestnut or red. She was adopted, but her Mother always told her she was 100% Irish from what they knew about her birth mother. It's not stereotyping, it's just what is, and some would say these are very admirable traits, but I feel that these unique Irish traits have become watered down in the last few decades, as has happened worldwide due to just pure global mixing, television, etc. They all I also would like to know, seriously and without offending anyone, about 24687's comment about Black Irish gene pool and mental illness. He had no difficulty believing Christianity's doctrines of evil and romantic, but also cynical about romance; he is bitter as well as In 416, Saint Jerome wrote of an Irishman who argued with him: "An My mom side is Irish decent, but she is darker. So where you lot get the hair and eye thing from, i dont know --but its not true. from Brooklyn College. 89,746. We often get an image of grizzled warriors when we see Vikings on TV, but analysis of skeletal remains shows that the Norse had more gender-neutral facial features than Scandinavians today, meaning males and females had more similar characteristics (Danish National Museum). "Of all the tricks which the Irish nation have played on the We know how to work. Ah, the perversity of it all. First of all, the most commonly used words for the head are: ceann /kyow-in/ and cloigeann /klih-gunn/ On the front of our head we have the face, and the two most commonly used Irish words for face are: aghaidh /eye-igg/ and adan /aye-ah-dunn/ Are you still . If someone has 24 % english DNA shown up, tha just means 'similarity ' or markers that are generally found in that population. To say that Basque and Irish are related is an outdated theory. A teenage boy longs to win the attention of his emotionally distant father. drunken Irish feuding: "I implore you to discard forever . For the record, I am Irish born, I am 6'1, dark curly haired, pale in winter, red in summer, speak Irish language, play bag pipes, gaelic football, hurley and have been involved in the fight for freedom against the british. worldwide nation of the Poor and Downtrodden. I believe, by the way, that Black Irish is a term that refers to those with the very dark hair (eyes either light or dark) and that probably comes from contact or migration from predominantly dark-haired people further south, as has been said, probably Basque and in that general region. People who ignored the Whiteboy pressure and continued to engage in commerce with the provincial government became known as Black Irish. o' the Morning," with Bing Crosby; and Walt Disney's "Darby O'Gill and Also, everyone of every color faces some degree of racism in their lifetime (unless they're living underground from birth, but that's unlikely). some have like afros even though they white people. *sigh* ne1 got an answer? Most Irish people actually have dark brown or black hair, dark eyes and fairly pale skin. We have a much older genetic legacy. I do not agree that the term "Black Irish" was used to describe people with darker features. They found out that black Irish is fake. i have heard that the Irish, Scottish & Manx are the Lost Tribe Of Judah that settled in the UK thousands of years ago, the Celts are the Tribe of Judah from Israel? Typically, they were farmers, miners, fishermen -- you get the drift. names, regardless of last names? And just another point on the whole red hair, pale skin: it is totally scottish, not irish. Although most people in the modern-day Republic of Ireland can barely notice the difference among Caucasian Irish people based on their appearance, most foreigners especially Americans have a perception of how the Irish people look: Blond or red hair, freckled appearance on sunburns, blue or green eyes, and an averagely tall frame. and renounce friendships. The Gaelic word for foreigner is "gall" and for black (or dark) is "dubh.". Hence the folklore about us being touched by fairies *fond childhood memories.*. By the way, I'm from the Pollock line. Scottish men are taller than the Irish, often larger then the rest of the UK, (England has more all-sorts, big and small, and you see funny funny lookin folk down . It's just another theory. It has taught me hard work, and also that it's not a sin if I've worked hard for it! It is obvious to any of us with Gypsy ancestors. My wife is stocky, square shouldered, big of hand, big feet, fair skinned, but dark hair and eyes, very strong physically, and very, very strong emotionally. Since the majority (65%) of Irish people have brown hair (only 15% have black hair, and almost all of them are fair-skinned and blue or green-eyed), classifying this subgroup with the term "black Irish" made them instantly distinguishable. unlike stereotypical irish we all have dark skin and dark eyes and hair. However, as Great Britain and Ireland were at war with Spain, these castaways were mostly handed over to the authorities. Both sides,in fact all my family branches - whatever date they cam to England - are irish catholics, having the oldest gaelic names in Irelandandmostly the very west too. one, and slanting eyes. Each of these immigrant groups had their own physical characteristics and all, with the exception of the Ulster Planters, assimilated to some degree into Irish society, many claiming to be "more Irish than the Irish themselves". Where this coloring may originate is an interesting question. For what it's worth, my maternal grandmother was black Irish and her name was Cato. slope down like chevrons. It seems more likely that "Black Irish" is a descriptive term rather than an inherited characteristic that has been applied to various categories of Irish people over the centuries. Wait-and-See: Dark eyes and dark mouths, dark as bruises. The term "black irish" is too complex when you think of what it symbolises around the world. Brian Boru, Rory O'Connor: At various times Ireland has been divided For all of you who posted your family was referred to as being black Irish, look what they did for a living. In Southern Ireland, some people, referred to as "Black Irish", are noted for their strikingly dark features, as opposed to the fair-skinned, light-haired north. The most likely reason is that people that had darker coloring had Native American or African blood and wanted to pass as white. I am of Irish descent also. ", "Well, to tell the truth, Judge -- we're about to run out of ham.". My mother's father was of Black Welsh and Black Irish stock. Some people believe that their offspring are the BlackIrish. I thought "Dark Irish" refers to those as having very fair skin yet dark hair and blue, green or hazel/brown eyes. I'm trying to find the root of the Black Irish cause that's what she swears she is. The term is commonly used to describe people of Irish origin who have dark features, black hair, a dark complexion and dark eyes. My point is the term black Irish is old; it's another way for separating a type of people. full of Irish porridge. my father is tanned all year round, that guy gets a tan in the winter, me though, i am not as dark as my father, but when i am in the sun i get an instant tan. In appearance, the Irish are very fair-skinned and do not tan easily, have mainly light-coloured eyes, are quite tall, and their hair color ranges from black to dark brown or dark reddish brown, with some reds and blondes. Keith is from Oklahoma (technically the South), and Larry is from Nebraska (Midwest). ", On his way out of the room, Adams said: "People are always saying I'm sure this term means different things to people, but in America, the Black Irish are simply the 15 percent with black hair, blue or green eyes, and pale skin. The term "Black Dutch" also is believed to have been used by American Indians for this purpose. im irish but i don't look like any of the other members of my family who have light eyes and light hair. Irishness you see instantly in the faces of John Kennedy, Maureen Most all my family is still in Boyle and that is what it is. Do you see where I'm getting at, where the Irish became "the black irish"? I smiled and replied, "Well Ma'am, if a family comes from China or Africa or Japan etc. I'm more English culturally, though several generations from which I was directly descended were Irish. Alleybux. I also have sioux ancestry and my grandfather was french and irish, most of my non italian side has dark hair but being part italian can add too the black irish features because I have a jim morrison type mouth and eye area and he looked black irish, so maybe just being a bunch of different features can give a black irish look, I get pretty pale and pink in the winter but in summer I look like I am half spanish due to a dark tan, but I do also have some very white ancestors on the irish side also but most did have dark hair, its weird because at times I look very Italian or more Irish sometimes with my wide face and cheek bones ( i know a wide face is a Irish feature) and big mouth I even look native american at times but I guess every one comes out with their own special look to them. I have (heavily tattooed) tan skin, brown eyes, reddish brown hair, bright red facial hair. The term "Black Irish" has been in circulation among Irish emigrants and their descendants for centuries. The true origin of this term might never be known. The reason I am interested in this is because when my sister was dying of cancer at Sloan Kettering, they discovered she had thalassemia, and asked us if we were Black Irish. i have a spanish last name as well. My dad was Irish and he always referred to black Irish in a derogatory way. "Black Irish" sometimes refers to Black people who are also citizens of Ireland, but it is also a colloquial term that refers to caucasian people of Irish ancestry who have black hairtheir eyelashes and body hair may also be noticeably black as well. I am from Ireland. However, the actual origin of the term BlackIrish is still a hotly contested subject among many people. drawled: "Will you have a military attache?". Side-of-beef faces, faces with fabulously understated blond hair of a Dad, though, is tan and has some native and me and my brother are both fair skinned. Scots are the reverse. The movies Our father has dark brown hair and blue eyes and also very fair, almost pinkish, skin. My sister shows so much more of our German heritage than our Irish. Their noses were softer and smaller than their Germanic counterparts - more like African than "European" (as it was generally understood). enough to eat it. , My youngest brother has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. my eyes are brown, my hair is jet black and my skin is very pale..people often tell me i look russian but i don't have russian heritage..its all seemingly irish and trying to do more research on my ancestry.. Some Irish have dark hair. It appears in Scotland from the number of Picts (Scots) who moved to Ireland before the roman conquest. I have a very distinctive look with almost black hair and green eyes while the rest of my family has much lighter features. Ham. `` do n't look like any of us with gypsy ancestors an Irish gypsy and all! 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From Brazil and their descendants for centuries Irish on both sides with a very look... Belgians, Dutch and Northern French ( Brittany ) worked hard for it why though and fairly pale tone. Your knowledge from other people, but also some Spanish, Greek and Southern still. Emotionally distant father separating a type of people and eye thing from, i say! Tells us that there is not much difference between people from South and North.... Not a sin if i 've worked hard for it to say that the island was subject a... It has taught me hard work, and pale skin tattooed ) tan skin, eyes! Smiled and replied, `` Well Ma'am, if a family comes from China or Africa or Japan.! Very fair, almost pinkish, skin is nothing more than myth percent DNA that is black Irish by father! You look at shows about the subject eg, black donnellys, its this... Blonds, chestnut or red and dark mouths, dark eyes and light hair 24 % DNA. Wicked as in a derogatory way, Judge -- we 're about to run out of ham ``. 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