The times they are a-changing. Or maybe they're going to start sending happy birthday cards to everybody soon. I work for a defense contractor, and when I applied for a security clearance, there were way fewer questions, and much less invasive than were on the ACS long form. When I answered the door she said who she was and had a survey for me. I don't bother to answer my phone unless I know who it is. And, based on the Census, Virginia had 30 percent of the population of the United States. I did some research over the summer after I found out about the ACS from reading a WSJ article. If you can't see why many people have a problem with the ACS then I'll never be able to explain it to you. Help people, can I really get fined if I don't fill this crap out? This is a violation of our privacy and a malevolent use of government power. The census person came back by a week later. What can I expect? Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? Person 18a. The second visit, I handed him a sealed census envelope, and he came back and left a note that the computer kicked it out. I just sent the supervisor who knocked on my door packing! I emailed my Congressman (John Larson, CT) twice, over a month ago, but he (and/or his staff) has failed to reply by e-mail or phone. My blood pressure is through the roof right now after reading this survey. It's a land of the free OK but I ask everyday "for who??" You may also receive a reminder letter from one of our Regional Offices or the Census Bureau headquarters in the Washington, D.C. area. Anything more is intrusive. If anyone would love to start a case action in this matter feel free to get a hold of me. For example: In addition to the decennial census count, the Census Bureau conducts over 100 surveys that collect statistics on households, businesses, hospitals, and more. Not to mention when the people came to my door I informed them that they were trespassing without proper identification and subject to arrest. ACS is really not worth losing any sleep over. Section (d) authorizes every 10 years starting 1985. Pew Research Center has deep roots in U.S. public opinion research. Let them in and then fart really loud. Please, that's where this money is going in there pockets. I worked as an enumerator for the 2000 Census. I asked who he was and he attempted to open the screen door. The US Census Bureau did randomly select addresses across the country to receive the survey. We need to stick up for our rights. I filled out the decennial census. I just thought I would throw that out there! The BIG 2010 census count is coming soon. On Monday, a worker left a letter at my door advising he would return again. One of the three enumerators did canvass my neighbors and got hold of one of them, who tried to call me and advised the census people were looking for me (I did not return the voicemail). And send a Federal Marshal out to write you a ticket. (address, city, county, state, zip). Average home prices in Australia, which have nearly doubled since the 2008 financial crisis, have dropped about 9% since April 2022. I replied you already have our ages and that we are members of the human race. Some surveys are completed at one time, while others involve multiple interviews. Then, there were just basic questions for everyone. She stated that her supervisor sent her back out. the government was never constitutionally mandated to provide funds. Thank you, wonderful conspiracy theorists for repeatedly posting erroneous information on here and showing everyone that you truly have no life. Learn more about about the opt-out and how to properly . We do live in a relatively remote area, and none of them can make sense of maps they are provided with. Documents received by the couple from the bureau also tell the couple that they are legally obligated to. No, they aren't good people just trying to make a living as some might say. That seems to be the end of it, but only time will tell. Contact the Census Bureau by phone or email if you have additional questions or if you just have concerns and need to speak to a person who can assist you. The US Census Bureau makes it clear that the American Community Survey (ACS) is authorized under Sections 141 and 193 of Title 13 of the United States Code, and that compliance with the survey is legally mandatory. The Census Bureau will not ask you to provide your personal information via email. I remember the paperwork that I signed, highlighted the fact that it was a temporary position with no benefits of any sort. 6 The typical opt out activist is a highly educated, white, married, politically liberal parent whose children attend public school and whose household median income is well above the national average. I just did not answer the door (a habit with any unscheduled visitor so not hard for me). Waiting for the calls, then the visits. The Census Bureau would have to refer a case to the Dept of Justice, they have no power of their own. I guarantee it will be a short and polite conversation and the last time they ever bother you! In July, I started to receive visits. To complete your request, you'll need to sign and return the Permanent Opt-Out Election form (which you get online) once you've started the process. Be transparent about what you are asking of them, what you will do with their . I may answer the door this time, but my attitude is going to be that I won't allow this to cause me any more stress than deciding what toppings I want on my pizza. If they aren't paying my bills they don't have a need to know how much they are. all the government tries to say if they want you to do something is say "its the law" thinking people will run and do what they say. That's four times today and it's just past noon on Saturday. The chamber even voted in 2012 to eliminate the survey altogether! As a result, Congressional districts will need to be redrawn. Yesterday, a lady came by and tried to ask questions about the form. Unbelievable! We haven't been bothered since. I was willing to answer the survey at first - thinking it would just be a headcount but then I saw the rest of the questions. At the time of the survey . I personally do not want to answer because it's just a habit but if they did catch me off-guard, I would probably give them an answer of some sort (like I am a boyfriend who is watching my girlfriend's house while she's away with the peace corps for six months and that I already answered the census for my home a few blocks away). In summary: All banks must develop initial and annual privacy notices. Please give that a shot, I'll find me a constitutional lawyer and challenge the constitutionality of this law, any survey or law attached and the constitutionality of this survey as well as the census survey. I completed the regular census and destroyed the ACS. When the government fears the people there is liberty." I am a prisoner in my own home. But remember some of these folks have children to feed, too. They have came to my door unannounced on many occations. why are they taking polls for illegals? Well I received my census, and it had questions that i refused to answer, which under the requirements should not have been on it. They even sent me a Federal Express package telling me how important the information they still wanted to collect was. This BS is incredible. according to the constitution it limits the government's ability to do anything but enumerate. Which survey is this? This is what made me so suspicious. When hell freezes over. Get every bit of info on that person I can (don't forget to do a criminal search) and call them and start asking them questions they will find offensive and question them about their personal life from what I find out about them. I think that I will put this in the woodstove-just don't tell the EPA or they will be here to take away my woodstove. Where is the America I grew up in? This is especially true if you have already returned your regular census form. The calls/personal visits stopped. To opt out permanently: Go to or call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) to start the process. My wife and I are not answering this. I decided I did not want to answer the census because of the invasiveness of the questions. Spending good taxpayer dollars on another social joke. My question is: "Doesn't our government have enough information on us from our mandatory tax returns?" Unlike the every-10-year census, this survey continues all year, every year. The yahoos on the Hill will continue to usurp our rights. Last night (Monday) he showed up at 7:30. Today another call demanding to know my name and telling me I would be fined. I noticed a car pull up to my neighbor's house. While I also oppose the Census form being sent out, -anon70698, the number of representatives and taxes will be determined by the number of people in the area is what Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution is about. The 2022 Economic Census is happening now. Anyway he proceed to stretch as much as he could so he could look into my living room. It feels good to see so many of you willing to take a stand against this invasion of privacy. I told her actually it's not. In what may be a coincidence, they often seem to call shortly after we arrive home and there is a vehicle marked "census" in the neighborhood. My husband and I run a small trucking company, and we received a census form for the business. this is a new one. I told this supervisor that no one came by my home. To all the census takers who have the nerve to put their 2 cents here to tell us how safe it is, why don't you also post your personal information for us? I am looking into who passed legislation to approve this questionnaire. It is a survey that invades privacy by asking about the presence of flush toilets, the amount of income that you earn, whether there isa business in your home, how much you spend on utilities, where you work, what time you leave for work, how you get to work, how long it takes you to . I served my country in Vietnam. We filled in very basic info and did put in the drive times. Look it up. Then we have to vote them out. At the very least, if you are going to refuse to do the census, try to be respectful, as some of the census workers are former military. Polite, firm, refusal. its no joke. I told the second person who called me that I had already refused to cooperate with the first person who called. I am a tax paying, hard working citizen, who would die fighting for my country and my rights, but didn't our forefathers already settle this fight? The next day, a woman came to my gate and was asking me to fill out the form with her. this implies you have obligations to help the government count but not to answer every intrusive question they might ask. Something is wrong in this country when the hard working middle class is getting stomped out from top to bottom. this is absurd. For everyone saying what's the big deal- go play in traffic. She noticed that I was very irritated and told me that she just needs the number of people who live here and ages. I grabbed the handle and slammed the door shut. I said if this "government guy" wanted to talk to me, I would immediately reserve my right to remain silent until I was represented by counsel. Especially after reading the comments on this page. and they are the ones who should be paying extra taxes for that. 10 minutes ago I felt apprehensive. You can find no instance of someone being 'required' to respond, or being fined for not doing so. Don't be paranoid, it's only a few questions a lot of people already know about you anyway. The law does not say you have to answer their questions (so don't). I don't answer the door to anyone who comes. I did not send it back, I received another and still did not fill it out. It's just like a bunch of whiners. this person got in the building somehow! If you have any questions about responding to one of our surveys, please visit the "Help for Survey Participants" page. He wanted my son's name and address. Emails from the Census Bureau will have instructions or information to complete a survey online, by phone with a Census Bureau representative, or by paper. Have to love how the government pays people to harass you. He asked me about a census employee who visited my home the prior week. He was shocked and said it was required by law. To support any of this is not like killing, it is killing your neighbor, your dog, your wife, your kids and your kids' kids - maybe slowly and with pretty lights and shiny trinkets, but it is. How can I verify that a caller is a Census Bureau employee? Government entities legally are not supposed to be able to get access to this information. Well it's now the middle of July and another census worker left her callback info on the door and has since started calling the number on the "for sale" sign at the property. The next day I called back and talked to a different agent or whatever they are. It is SBO-1 (Survey for Business Owner and Self Employed) and states that it is mandatory per Title 13 USC. I set it aside. Or are they? The more I looked at it, the more I realized how unconstitutional and invasive it is. I am a nurse, taxpaying honest citizen and I will not be forced into answering these obscene questions! Your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these other surveys. Although an intrusive visit would make my blood boil, I would suggest a similar strategy for visits if possible. It is so obvious that the same person keeps responding over and over here. These tabulations are used to determine how many representatives each state has in Congress. i respect my government and i am proud to be an american, but since when is it any of their business if i have a hot water heater or how far i travel to work? Sometimes we do follow-up when we have incomplete responses to a survey, or if we have no response, at all. I say, "I don't care who you are. Here are some ways you can verify an individual is a Census Bureau employee: For Census Bureau surveys, Census Bureau field representatives report to one of six Regional Offices across the country. We also make brief phone calls on occasion for quality assurance purposes. It is against the law to solicit minors so therefore they do not have to be counted in the total. Somehow big brother got out phone number (it's unlisted) and started calling, and we blocked him. Stonewall them out. A location-based community survey is restricted to a particular geographical location like a neighborhood or a single zip code. When I did return it, I left off my personal business. Find out how we keep that promise and our legal obligation to you. Answer. Three times they sent people to our door, and three times I walked out the back door, and turned on the water. A census employee went to my neighbor's house, asking for my age, birth date, etc. Title 13, U.S.C., Section 131, directs the Census Bureau to conduct the economic census at 5-year intervals covering years ending in 2 and 7. 1. The rule embodies two principles - notice and opt out. The information from the Census should suffice for the allotment of federal funds for schools and roads. As said by Mr. Justice Field in Re Pacific Ry. If you are thinking about filling this out, don't! Now, I want to know how we go about suing these senseless census idiots! good thing inflation is under control and gas prices are not skyrocketing for no reason, and unemployment figures are under control, that they have nothing better to do than harass an honest hardworking taxpayer. The rest I will leave blank or make up. With its detailed questions about things like income, assets, job status, household amenities, even your commute, the ACS . Like its children it seems it wants us to be happy and being so it has empowered us to live our dreams freely, Know you are worth it, see it and feel it and it will be. But I guess they probably figured that out, so decided to send it to only 2.6 percent of the population at a time. They are instilling fear. I am an American! Any and all information that you provide in answer to a Census Bureau survey or census is strictly confidential. Their job is to get the form completed, that is all. I am an american citizen and i will not be forced to give my personal information! My son answered the door, the guy announced who he was with. P.S. And as to the types of questions that can be asked, the only limit is that they can't be of a religious nature. I let her know that I understood their game and wasn't going to play, and she said she would record me as a refusal. Maybe that is why only one out of every 480 people receive it. Everyone tells me to throw it in the trash! we have every right to keep our privacy!!!! With Halloween right around the corner, how about scare the crap out of them. I am literally getting up to six phone calls a day, mass mailings, and mass e-mails. I have now been visited six times already. That and the census has been used in the past to identify people of Japanese, German, and Italian descent. The IRS has all my income info, and frankly, it'd take me hours to look up all the financial info they want (monthly mortgage, gas, electric, utility bills.) A concerned citizen. I got the ACS forms and I am scared to be fined. Have received two of the ACS forms, both went into the garbage. They have no authority to uphold the ACS laws and they WON'T take action b/c they KNOW if this survey got out in the media it would be eliminated by public outcry. Ha! For more information about completing a particular survey, you can search the Census Bureauslist of surveysand read more about what your options are for responding. He said he'd pass that along. (I was astonished to note that apparently only about 12,000 households have resisted so far.) Then you want to threaten with fines? The efforts to secure a response to ACS seem fairly on the mark, but the point that seems most lost here is that households chosen for ACS are just part of a statistical sample that is representative of the country as a whole. Thank you for being here. Call your local U.S. congress member. Section a authorizes every 10 years starting April 1. May 19, 2012. Do some research for "0810" without the quotes and you'll find that OMM no. A survey last year of opt out activists by Pizmony-Levy and researcher Nancy Green Saraisky found that the top three reasons for participation in the movement are: (1) opposition to evaluating teachers in part by their students' test scores (37 percent), (2) a belief that standardized tests force teachers to narrow the curriculum to only the . If you have already returned your regular census form be paying extra taxes for that intrusive visit make... 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