Barefoot - unshod horse. Bime-By By-and-by, soon, in a short time. Strong enough to float a coltVery strong coffee. And the guy who rang your doorbell is a sketchy person. Arose c. 1828 from the old (1600s) notion that excitement increased human blood temperature. Not all of the recruits were former slaves; most were free blacks of Northern parentage and many had served with distinction during the Civil War. Sally gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. Check out the fine ass sho-tee rockin' all dat ice. To take a shine to a person, is to take a fancy to him or her. $279.95. Bouncing Large, heavy. Slipe A distance. Strapping Huge, lusty, bouncing, as, a strapping lass. Sugar Kiss or loving. Handguns were called pistols or after Samuel Colt introduced his first patented repeating revolver in 1836 six-guns or six-shooters. The origin of this iconic Old West insult stems back to 1660s England. Savey or Sabby Corrupted from the Spanish saber, to know.To know, to comprehend. Tender-footed, originally said of horses, leapt to humans in 1854 as a description of awkwardness or timidity. Sweatier than a cowboy writin' a love note. Sidle Move unobtrusively or sideways;The young man began to sidle near the pretty girl sitting on the log. Bobtail Guard The first cowboy guarding the cattle at night. Bodega Spanish term for a cheap saloon. Sidewinder: dangerously cunning or devious person. Regional slang can be grouped into a few categories: the Atlantic provinces, Central Canada, the Prairie Provinces, British Columbia, and the Northern Territories. To come to the scratch. From about 1850, a pretentious, opinionated person. Intriguing. Meet The Sidewinder: Introduction Snotted Being reprimanded, hauled over the coals. It consists of a vocabulary often times unknown to the elders.The slang terms created by sometimes recycling the old words, making abbreviations or giving new . The verb to hold up, meaning to stop by force and rob, didnt arise until 1887, apparently from the robbers command to raise hands. The term was applied in equal measure to both friend and foe. Also called oil.. Bogus A liquor made of rum and molasses. Safecracker (also safe-cracker): individual with a talent for liberating money from locked vaults. Stop-and-go light. Middle English _lunatik_, from Anglo-French or Late Latin; Anglo-French _lunatic_, from Late Latin _lunaticus_, from Latin _luna_; from the belief that lunacy fluctuated with the phases of the moon. Bhoy A rowdy young man, reveler or ruffian. To Smutch To blacken with smoke, soot, or coal. Theyd be a big treat to me. Snapperhead An impertinent fellow, one who snaps or answers to quickly or impudently. 1)Aw shnap, son. Beating the Road Traveling on a railroad train without paying, usually referring to a bum. 2. Son of a gun, in turn, could be an insult to the person and his father. Pronounced, and sometimes spelled, batch. They thought they were rude, pretentious, and condescending. No great scratch.. Slower than molasses in January Really slow. $249.99. Bonanza The discovery of an exceptionally rich vein of gold or silver. That happened because Southerners hated the Union soldiers. Barbers Clerk A conceited, over-dressed fellow who tries to act like a gentleman.. Bully For You! I have heard of some of these words. This is a saying you may have heard your grandparents utter. So, when they encountered a person who was opinionated and pushy, or had a superiority complex, Southern folks likened him to a Union soldier and called him a bluebelly.. But it was also done to provide payment to Charon, the ferryman who transported the dead across the river Styx to the land of the dead. Big Nuts to Crack A difficult or large undertaking. Yellow became slang for cowardly c. 1856, but yellow-belly didnt become synonymous with coward until 1924. Ain't Pronunciation: 'Ant Etymology: Contraction of are not Date: 1778 Am not: are not: is not Have not: has not Brick in Ones Hat To be drunk. Jump To: A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Bluebelly: from the early 1800s in the U.S. South, a derogatory term for a northerner; a Yankee. Sadying A simple and unaffected mode of dancing. Sixes And Sevens To be in a state of disorder and confusion. Barrens Elevated lands, or plains upon which grow small trees, but never timber. Brisk Up To come up with life and speed, take an erect or bold attitude. It wasn't good, and apparently neither was Charlie Taylor, who was terrible enough to . Beads The bubbles which rise on a glass of wine or spirits. Shakes No great shakes. It was 16 pounds unloaded, with three-quarter inch, 120-grain black powder cartridges loaded for differing ranges. We are off for the day on a regular bat. There are other terms ubiquitous to the area, as well. The term was derived from the mens hair which the Indians thought resembled the fur of the buffalo. Spoons Equivalent of money, means or fortune. You got sand, thats fer shore.. Bushwhacker: cowardly enemy who strikes from ambush. The archaic noun stick-up arose ca. Since I have been converted, but I try to bear the load, Although Karen lives in the Midwest, she likes to put the emphasis on the "west." A large, tall person. Arose in Texas before 1836. It is the new way of speaking of the young that has been quite a trend for a few decades. Mudsill: unflattering Confederate term for a Yankee. Probably first served on a trail drive using the ingredients at hand. $20 Off Select Women's Boots: Prices as marked, Valid Limited Time. At first, a redneck was used as a derogatory term for a Scottish immigrant. Bungo A kind of boat used at the South. Stoved up Crippled, badly injured, or too old. 1897, as a reference to robbers who used dynamite to thwart security boxes. Shecoonery A whimsical corruption of the word chicanery. These newbies reminded cattle ranchers of the cocky young bulls, so they applied the same nickname to them by calling them greenhorns., Related read: Chuckwagon Chow: 8 Cattle-Drive Foods Cowboys Ate on the Trail. The word first became tied to lawyers especially of the slimy variety in 1857. Squiffed, Squiffy Slightly intoxicated. Set-To Argument, debate, contest in words. Sketchily In a sketchy manner lacking substance, superficial, incomplete. Well done, good job, good for you. Cowboy vocabulary: howdy = hi. The Alhambra Saloon sells the boss whiskey in town.. A whippersnapper was a young upstart: an arrogant, sassy smart mouth. Stand In To cost. SchoolMaam or Marm A school-mistress, teacher. Slangander To slander, gossip, backbiting. Pecos swap: theft. Owlhoot: outlaw. Cowboy sayings can be surprisingly insightful, but not without their sense of humor. Slang-Whanger A writer or noisy talker. Slab-sided Straight, stiff. Rawheel: newcomer; an inexperienced person. They dont yet know their own limitations. It really didnt appear until westerns became a popular movie genre years after the real Old West era. This towns got a monstrous bad name for meanery and shecoonery of all sorts. Sometimes also used to indicate cheap wall paint. Yankees embraced the term as a way of flipping Rebs the proverbial bird. Some of them I knew so gave me a good laugh. Gila monsters store a large amount of fat in their tails, and this . This term also applied to professional gamblers who cheated at thePokertables. Oddly, nut also became a metaphorical term for head about 1846, probably arising from the use of nuts to describe a mental state. Sam Hill A euphemism for the devil. Bonny Clapper or Bonny-Clabber An Irish term for sour buttermilk. Though this term was widely used in the Old West, so much so that it became common language, it should not be perpetuated. Bucket of Blood A violence-prone frontier saloon. Rattlesnaked: ambushed (literally or figuratively) in a particularly devious or cunning way. This was the cattle form of gluttony. Bulldoze To bully, threaten, or coerce. Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, OW. Sidewinder: dangerously cunning or devious person. Need to take some Advil. Sale. Heres what Merriam-Webster has for its origins: They dont hunt for themselves. Priced at $1,999.99, it definitely falls within the high end of the PCP market, but the selective-fire capability with interchangeable magazines is a feature found on few other airguns. Bo-Peep To play at bo-peep. Hes a poor shack of a fellow., Shakes Not much, not so good. Also means to turn aside, or start, as a horse, to sheer. sidewinder is SERIOUSLY trying to get me to snort said coffee through my nose. A pregnant wife would give birth on the ship, literally next to the gun carriage. An unflattering insult, to call someone grass-bellied was to call them fat. Related read: Cowboy & Western Name Generator. Gunman: shootist; gunfighter. Cyrus Noble Whiskey Ad showing Faro Players, Bucking the Tiger Playing Faro or poker. Understood as following a vision by most Indians, they were not tolerated by whites. Sparrow Catching Looking for a girl to go out with. He got over here in the twinkling of a bed-post., Bed-rock Not able to go lower. Beef To kill. In the early 1700s, officers in the British navy had their wives join them on long sea voyages. Screw One who squeezes all he can out of those with whom he has any dealings, an extortioner, miser. Swate A violent slap or blow in the face with the open hand. On the lam, meaning flight to avoid prosecution or consequences, arose c. 1897. Snipper-Snapper An effeminate young man; a trifler. This hybrid language is an American classic and probably one of the reasons the cowboy is so warmly regarded as a true western original. By Good Rights By right, by strict justice, entitled. An insult that was often hurled around during fights and barroom brawls, son of a gun lacked the vulgarity of its profane cousin, son of a bitch, but could be just as hurtful. sidewinder ( plural sidewinders ) A North American rattlesnake, Crotalus cerastes, that inhabits lowland deserts. Bumblebee Whiskey Liquor strong enough to sting., To Bundle A man and woman lying on the same bed with their clothes on, usually separated by a bundling board. The practice was used when there was a scarcity of beds. Super stuff, Kathleen. This insult was first documented in 1875 and was often used to describe con men and swindlers. For example, if someone rings your doorbell at midnight, that's a sketchy situation. Soft Horse A horse with little stamina. Scow A large flat-bottomed boat, generally used as a ferry boat, or as a lighter for loading and unloading vessels when they cannot approach the wharf. Blue Devils Dispirited. Theres a dance Saturday, so put on your best bib and tucker.. Kathleen, what an interesting collection of terms! A common idiom during the 1800s was "Well, I'll be hornswoggled!" Other. Bacon Meaning to save ones self from injury. ( slang, dated) A heavy swinging blow from the side which disables an adversary. So to insult someone by saying that they arent fit to shoot at when you want to unload and clean your gun, you were really saying that person isnt even worthy of your unwanted bullets. This is wonderful information for all of us western historical book and movie lovers. Stickup: robbery at gunpoint. The 1950s had their own slang terms, the 1960s did so as well, along with the '70s. This is due to the raised scales above its eyes, which resemble horns. Give the sidewinder. Lam: to run off. Sewn Up Exhausted, finished, done. The Western Airguns Sidewinder air rifle is the latest model from this company. Arose in Britain in 1788 as a reference to paupers occupying vacant buildings; first recorded use in the American west 1880. Jargon is a group of terms exclusive to certain kind of technical terminology. Scoop in Trick, entice, inveigle. PCP. Dates at least to 1818. MENU MENU. To come to the scratch. as the term loosely translates to the C word that might be utilized today. The insult lead-foot has done a 180-degree turn in meaning since the days of the Old West. Barnum To talk Barnum is to not indulge in extravagant, hugh falutin talk, but talks in a quiet manner. $48.83. The phrase "stick up for," meaning defend, is from 1823. Hornswoggling: The movements of a cow, by which it threw off or evaded the rope. OW, OW, OW, OW. YOUR20. Bag of Nails Everything in confusion, topsy-turvy. 3. Skedaddle Scurry away or run like hell, get, leave, go. He gave me a goodshakeon that land., Shake A Stick At When a man is puzzled to give one an idea of a very great number, he calls it more than you can shake a stick at.. Can you help meshake upa fiddle player for the barn dance? 3/4 sole with nails and lemonwood pegs. 26225 Blade Sidewinder. The people in our alley call me Salvation Sally, Perhaps this man had been on a bender when this photo was taken in 1874. Bully Exceptionally good, outstanding. As a sweetener and flavoring, it was drizzled over pancakes, mixed into oatmeal, and baked into cakes. Also means intoxicated. Hotdish. $324.96. Gun owners routinely unloaded and thoroughly cleaned their guns. Sidewinder - A small, pale-colored desert rattlesnake that moves in an s-shaped curve. After this, the person can be tossed or hung on a hook if you're really feeling devious. He would be doomed. x 14-1/4 in. Air Rifles. The Sidewinder incorporates a newly designed, removable magazine system that holds 15 shots in 22 caliber, 15 shots in 25 caliber, and . Also called a horned rattlesnake because of the raised scales above its eyes which give it a horn-like appearance. It was most likely a Hollywood invention. First recorded use 1881, based on the earlier meaning mongrel (c. 1770). Awesome (Adjective) Awesome is a popular slang word in American English and all over the world. Double-stitched welt. Established miners, weary of all the newcomers, called them tenderfoots.. Nows your time, boys; switch in and let them have it., Byways & Historic Trails Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas Declaring Independence, Stanley, Ks Extinct but Still Here (LOK), Black Bob Reservation in Johnson County (LOK), Make History Come Alive With These Online Tools and Resources. Americanism c. 1849 as a derogatory comparison of a beggars outstretched hand to a pans handle. By the late 1940s, thanks to the burgeoning interstate highway system in the U.S., the term had taken on the opposite meaning fast as a reference to a heavy foot on a vehicles accelerator. Well, I swan.. Americanism; arose 1800-10. It was rainin to beat the Dutch., Beat the Devil around the Stump To evade responsibility or a difficult task. The expression was often used in jest to point out that the person wasnt all bad. These 11 Midwest slang terms are sure to bring all Midwesterners back to their childhood, especially if they have since moved away. A person who was slow moving or slow-witted was compared to this frustrating phenomenon. Big Fifty A .50 caliber Sharps rifle used by professionals for buffalo hunting. Arose as American slang c. 1896. That old mans got one hellofa brick in his hat. Bacon - Meaning to save one's self from injury. Skid A piece of light timber from ten to twenty feet in length, upon which heavier timber or other supplies are rolled or slid from place to place. Loco: Borrowed from Spanish about 1844, the word has the same meaning in both languages: insane. Loco-weed, meaning a species of plants that make cattle behave strangely, arose about 1877. 25% Select Men's Outerwear: Prices as marked, Sale items not included, Valid thru 03/21/2023 11:59pm CT. Buy one, get one 50% off select jewelry: Discount shown at checkout. In those days, a persons gun could mean the difference between life and death. I like pistoleros! Some species of fish are bottom feeders. ya'll = all of you. sidewinder, also called horn viper, any of four species of small venomous snakes that inhabit the deserts of North America, Africa, and the Middle East, all of which utilize a "sidewinding" style of crawling. The molasses would eventually drip out, but it took forever. Squatter One who settles on land without legal title, a widespread practice in the West. And, no, their horns were not green in color. Bullboat A craft with a willow frame covered by buffalo hide. Later, and now, also used to describe someone on a drinking binge. with a 1-1/2 in. It could also mean nonsense. Squeeze the Biscuit Grabbing the saddle horn not something acowboywants to get caught doing. Midwestern Slang. You have a great day. Biddy Hen. Short for gone to Texas, this usage dates at least to the Civil War, when deserters and other former soldiers from both armies suddenly unemployed and inured to violence migrated to still-wild, wide-open Texas, lost their names, and took up outlawry. To Swinge To whip, to bastinade, to punish. Sweep The pole or piece of timber moved on a fulcrum or post, used to lower and raise a bucket in a well for drawing water. A brash and conceited person was called a snippersnapper.. The term originated in New York City c. 1880-1885; antecedents uncertain. And means, to hang about. To Stick To take in, to impose upon, to cheat in trade. Bach - To bachelor it. There were a few here I hadnt heard, ad a few that developed much differently than I thought. Interesting. Bhoys Noisy young men of the lower ranks of society. They feed almost exclusively on rodents and lizards. Slick Up To dress up or make make fine. Doc Holiday beefed a man today.. By Hook or Crook To do any way possible. Bottom-feeder: a reviled person, especially someone who uses a position of authority to abuse others; a lowlife. Go to shop. In the mid-15th century the word meant any young horned animal; by the 17th century, it had been applied to new military recruits. Scraps The dry, husky, and skinny residuum of melted fat. Northern soldiers wore blue uniforms even before the outbreak of the American Civil War. Splashing Talking without making sense or talking too much. Air: Short for aerial. Below are some that were popular in the 19th-century American west. Quick view. Bee A gathering of friends, family and neighbors to get a specific job done Usually used with womens quilting get togethers a quilting bee. 20% OFF. Its unknown when the American figurative connotation arose, but the literal meaning appeared 1705-15 among the British navy, during a period when officers wives accompanied them to sea. Sidewinders use their tails as lures to attract lizard prey. "A ways" is any distance between ten minutes . Shote A young hog, a pig partially grown. Panhandle: to beg. $ 0.00. Uffda. Dan Post Men's Denton All-Over Overlay Western Boots - Snip Toe. Sidewinders give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. That leads you to salvation in the White-chapel Road. Bockey A bowl or vessel made from a gourd. An air-to-air missile that homes in on a target by a heat-seeking device. This is a term used to express astonishment, exhaustion, relief, and dismay. So down with the lager and up with your hat Scraps - The dry, husky, and skinny residuum of melted fat. giddy up = let's go (often said while riding to a horse) Head 'em up, move 'em out. Sagamore The title of a chief or ruler among some of the American tribes of Indians. Stretchin the Blanket Telling a tall tale. Also means to spur a horse. A favorite Old West insult that is still in use today, the first time we have documented proof of the use of redneck was in 1830. Sour On To get sick of someone or something, to give up something out of disgust. Cabrn: an outlaw of low breeding and even lower principles. Hes one of the railroad big bugs.. Sulky A carriage for a single person, generally in the form of a chaise. I have the blue devils today.. Leavin' Cheyenne: Going away Also means salary, wages. String A common name among teamsters for a whip. sidewinder 1. Banjo A miners term for a short-handled shovel. Back Seats An obscure and modest position, usually referring to politics. Cowboy life in the Old West can best be described as nomadic: were talking true cowboys who drove, You may have watched every episode of Bonanza, died of dysentery playing Oregon Trail, and read all the, There is an indelible image of the cowboy: the wide-brimmed hat whose color hinges on ones ethical alignment., The Wild West is a more nebulous term than you may think, so when the era ended is, From a distasteful painting that got people killed, to the unlikely location of a Civil War battle, these, 10 Wild West Facts of Everyday Life on the Frontier, Chuckwagon Chow: 8 Cattle-Drive Foods Cowboys Ate on the Trail, 7 Strange but True Stories of the Old West, 10 Famous Guns of the Old West, from Revolvers to Rifles, 7 California Ghost Towns that Capture the Golden States Rich Mining History, 10 Facts You May Not Know About Quanah Parker, the Last Chief of the Comanche, Bowie Knives: Getting to the Point of the Old Wests Most Famous Blade, Wild West Word Search Book: Search for Words and Slang from the Wild Days of the Old West, Western Words: A Dictionary of the American West. 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